Sunday, May 15, 2011

New house plus Cambodia & Singapore

Its been all quiet on the blogger front from me for the past month but far from quiet at home. First of all, we moved into our first home. Very exciting, I'd been packed for about a month before we moved. The house is a renovated three bedroom 1960's bungalow, its got awesome safe and high fences all the way around, including a double fenced area around the garage (so Pepper can't get onto the road when we open the gate to drive in/out) The yard isn't huge but is more than enough to throw a ball or Frisbee or set up weaves and a few jumps.

The week we moved in we went down to Hamner (in the middle of the south island, a few hours from Christchurch) for a wedding, was a fantastic weekend and a gorgeous location.

Then the next weekend we traveled over to Singapore and Cambodia for a wee holiday (which was planned way before we brought our house, not very fortuitous of us!) I was totally unprepared for how muggy and hot it would be! We had a great time, particularly in Cambodia.

Incredible temples in Cambodia.

Cute wee dog that lived in the hotel in Siem Reap (actually not all that cute, tried to bite me!)

Singapore sling - not really all it was cracked up to be, very sweet.

Ridiculously huge Marina Bay Sands

Ben getting a fish spa! (I couldn't bear to put my feet in there, too tickley)

Singapore Zoo - amazing!

Animal tricks show!

The concept for this show was apparently a new one, the set was really cool.
The dog tricks were pretty unimpressive to be honest - the three bigger dog were elderly and overweight, they each did only one trick. This one turned on a light.

This little one did jump tricks (but had very little focus, kept running over to the crowds in between jumps)

Hoop jumping border collie

On the other hand, the cat tricks were GREAT! The cats (4 or 5 different ones) would come out of one side of the stage, saunter over to the other side, climb a pole and then run through the cat doors. They had one even jump into a rubbish bin!

And some wee rats performing too!

Cute baby pygmy hippo

On the agility front, we're having big weave issues in competition, 4 out of 4 runs disqualified at the weaves. She's definitely getting more focus and drive though and has stopped skipping round jumps.

And as for obedience, we've only had one competition. I thought heelwork was decidedly average but only got 2 points off. Then the recall, little beggar ran and sat behind me! Stays were fine. So we've been training recalls religiously since and have decided for a new "word" for the present, so instead of saying "OK, Pepper come" I say "OK, In front" as I realised that when we're walking and I call her back to me casually, perhaps to avoid a person or another dog, I say "Pepper,come" and so had been confusing her. So far it seems to be working.

Now we need to get moving on DWTDS!!!!!